+94 113 691955

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

As a major, local employer and member of the wider Colombo community, IUC believes it has responsibilities towards the town and surrounding area at both corporate and personal levels.

Within its local community, IUC looks forward to providing sponsorship for a number of local initiatives,. In addition, where it can, IUC also encourages and supports staff in contributing to the community through various charity events and sponsorships.

IUC recognises its responsibility under the Disability Discrimination, Race Relations, gender and Age Discrimination policy and is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all and for all areas of its business, for ensuring not only that individuals seeking employment with or employed by IUC are selected and treated on the basis of merit and ability, but also that it provides its services to all its customers to ensure equality of access to the services provided. Thus, IUC will never knowingly treat any of its applicants, staff, staff of member institutions or customers any differently due to their disability, race, gender or age or via any other form of unlawful discrimination. IUC further recognises the responsibilities that fall upon member institutions in respect of equalities legislation and will do all that is reasonably possible in fulfilling these responsibilities, in so far as they relate to provision of those services that member institutions ask IUC to undertake on their behalf.